Frequently Asked Questions
We’re not a software, we’re a partner.
If your question wasn't answered on this page, please contact us directly at or call 800-493-8621.
Requesting / Sending Forms
+ How do I request assessments or surveys?
When you are ready to receive your child assessments or surveys, please send a roster to along with the physical mailing address where you would like to receive the child assessments or surveys. We will then prepare and send you your child assessments or surveys within 5 business days. Please see the general guidelines for rosters here. If you use ChildPlus as your management system, please see the guidelines for rosters here.
+ Where do I send my assessments/surveys, when I have them all completed?
When you have collected all your assessments or surveys, please send them to CCR Analytics, 816 E Thousand Oaks Blvd #20, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. We recommend shipping via UPS or FedEx Ground (not overnight). The Ground service is typically affordable, quick, and makes it easy to track packages. You can always email to let us know that your package is on the way. We will let you know by email when we receive your package.
+ Can I copy forms, if I don’t have enough?
It is preferred that you not use photocopies, but instead use the double sided forms provided by CCR Analytics. If for some reason you do not have a sufficient number of surveys, you may make photocopies. If you make photocopies, make sure they are double sided, high quality copies, the text is not skewed, and use plain white copy paper (don’t try to match the color of the survey). Poor quality copies will delay the analysis.
+ What do I do with additional assessments/surveys that were turned in late?
If you have not received your reports yet and want to include additional assessments or surveys before we proceed with your data, please send an email to to let us know that you have additional assessments or surveys you would like to include in your reports. You can then send them to CCR Analytics, 816 E Thousand Oaks Blvd #20, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 or if it is less than 5 assessments or surveys you can scan and email them to
If you have received your reports already you can still go ahead and send the additional assessment or surveys and we can either include them in your next set of reports at no additional charge or we can generate new reports including the additional assessments or surveys at an additional batch charge.
Surveys Completed by Parents
+ What instructions should I give to parents?
Ask parents to simply check or mark the box that indicates their answer. They can use either a dark pencil or a black pen to complete the survey. If a parent makes a mistake, they can cross out the error and check the correct box. Do not use white out.
+ Should I data enter the results?
No, all of the results will be compiled for you and a report for each class and each site will be generated. All you have to do it make sure the surveys are completed, the class codes are added to each survey, and all the surveys are turned in. Do not use the Excel files to data enter the results. Do not use the tally sheets to compile the results.
+ Can I make photocopies?
It is preferred that you not use photocopies, but instead use the double sided surveys provided by CCR Analytics. If for some reason you do not have a sufficient number of surveys, you may make photocopies. Very Important: If you make photocopies, make sure they are double sided, high quality copies, the text is not skewed, and use plain white copy paper (don’t try to match the color of the survey). Poor quality copies will delay the analysis.
+ My surveys do not have places to enter child information. How do you know which class the surveys came from?
If the classes are listed on the front of the survey, please check the appropriate class. If the classes are not listed on the survey, enter your classroom code in the upper right corner of each parent survey. The class codes are listed on the back side of the FAQ pages you received with the surveys. If you do not enter the correct code you will not receive the results.
+ There is a family with multiple children in the program. How many surveys should they fill out?
If a family has more than one child in the program we recommend they complete one survey for each child. If they prefer, you can have them complete a single survey and just write the additional child information on the top of the survey.
+ What should I do if the survey for a particular child was printed in the wrong language?
If a Spanish language survey was provided to an English speaking parent or vice versa, please discard the survey with the incorrect language and use a blank survey of the correct language. Very Important: Make sure that the Child’s Name, ChildID, Site, and Class are all completed on the blank survey.
+ What should I do if I did not revieve a survey for a particular child?
If a survey was not printed for one of your children/families, please use one of the provided blank surveys. Very Important: Make sure that the Child’s Name, ChildID, Site, and Class are all completed on the blank survey.
Assessments Completed by Teachers or Staff
+ What if I don't have a data entry form for a child?
If the child has changed centers, is in a different age-group, or there simply is not a form for that child, please use a blank form. Blank forms are included in your packet. Be sure to complete all the information for that child.
+ Can I make Photocopies?
Please use the pre-printed double sided Rating Records provided by CCR Analytics. Do not use the Rating Records posted on-line. If you do not have a sufficient number of blank Rating Records, please ask your supervisor for more blank forms. Each blank Rating Record should have a unique Form tracking # in the upper right hand corner.
+ How do I correctly complete the rating record?
1) Completely fill in "o" in the correct box. 2) Use a pen or dark pencil to complete the rating record. 3) To correct a mistake, either erase or cross out the error and fill in the correct box. 4) Do not use white out. Do not fold, staple, or ad post-it notes or paper clips.
+ What do I do when the child information on the form is wrong or blank?
Put a line through the incorrect information and write in the correct information and fill in the circle for change made to pre-printed child information so we know to update the new information.
+ Should I data enter the results?
No, all of the results will be compiled for you and a report for each class and each center will be generated. Do not use the Excel files or data enter into a management system. The data will be imported and compiled for you.
CCR Reports
+ Where do I see my reports?
Your reports are available on You will need your email address and your password that you created, when setting up the account to log-in and see your reports. If you forgot your password you can generate a new password by clicking on “Forgot your password” when signing in to dropbox on If you do not have access to the dropbox folder with your reports, please send an email to with your name, email and agency and let us know that you need access to your reports.
+ What is Dropbox?
Dropbox is an online storage folder that is used to share final reports between CCR Analytics and your agency. Your reports are only accessible to you and for CCR Analytics. If you do not have access to the dropbox folder with your reports, please send an email to with your name, email and agency and let us know that you need access to your reports.
+ Who can I contact, if I have questions about my results?
If you have any questions about your results that CCR Analytics has provided you, please email or call 800-493-8621.
+ Are any of your reports bilingual for parents?
Yes. We provide bilingual child summary reports for each child with a complete assessment. For DRDP assessment analysis, we also provide a complete powerpoint of your results in English and Spanish. Perfect for sharing with Policy Council.
+ I can’t see my reports when I log-in to dropbox?
If you can’t see your reports when you are logged in to your dropbox account, please check under “Sharing” in the left-side menu to see if you have any new shared folder invitations. If you have an invitation from CCR Analytics, please accept this invitation to see your reports. If you do not have a new shared folder invitation from CCR Analytics, please send an email to with your name, email and agency and let us know that you need access to your reports.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
+ I am interested in the CCR Reporting Module, how do I set up a demo?
Email and we will set up a live demo with you and our partners from Learning Genie.
+ How can CCR Analytics assist our agency with the DRDP 2015 assessment process?
CCR Analytics has been processing and analyzing the DRDP 2015 assessment tool for early implementers since early 2014. We offer the same child assessment scanning service, eliminating data entry into DRDPtech or other management systems, and as well as comprehensive and insightful reports at all levels of the organization. For clients required to enter data into DRDPtech we provide, at no additional charge, an upload of your DRDP 2015 data to DRDPtech. Contact for more information.